Louise Bon

Louise Bon is a company offering high quality fine foods products.
Well known for producing and selling Lentils from the Champagne region.
Louise Bon has also developed a range of “sablés” and other fine food products made in the Champagne region.
Louise Bon is the fifth generation of a family based in Champagne. With her desire to discover the world, Louise Bon decided to move to the United States and studied there graduating from UCLA. Attracted by history , culture and gastronomy,
Louise Bon travelled in many countries and has acquired an experience in various fields. A few years ago, she decided to take over the family farm near Reims in the Champagne Region in order to develop and promote on an international level, the products grown on the farm, and in particular, the Lentillons from the Champagne.
Through the flavors and the quality of products that enable us to appreciate dishes from the most simple cuisine to the most exquisite. Louise Bon allows us to rediscover the lentils from the Champagne region in the very creative culinary ambiance of our present time.
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